One of the basics that most of us learned in scrum is the stand-up ritual where we ask the three questions every morning. What did we do yesterday? What's your plan today? Are there any ...
Whenever we talk about agile teams or scrum teams we always talk about self-organizing and cross-functional teams. However, is that really enough? I think the underlying factor that we need to have ...
One of the facilitation techniques that a scrum master must have is retro facilitation. Normally a scrum master would vary the retro techniques on different sessions. Most people think that this is ...
In a fast moving business world these days, sometimes it can be difficult to remember that a development team may sometime need to be "off the tools". Lots and lots of people in leadership positions ...
This is one of the back to basic scrum articles that I’m going to write every so often. Today I’m going to talk about the point of a retro session. A lot of the time I noticed that scrum ...
The most common perception about the role of the scrum master is that he/she is the one to unblock every blockers or impediments that the team may encounter. This is especially true for a lot of ...
One of the most common selling sentence of scrum is that implementing scum will turbo boost the development teams. While this is true, it doesn't mean that teams will suddenly develop faster.... I ...
This is the more popular article from my technical wesbite codingepiphany. Just like some other agile related articles, I have made it available on this site as well since it would be ...